So I was talking to this girl I met off a dating app the conversation was really fucking good I’m having her laughing like crazy she even was making me laugh we enjoyed the same things and we were even having face time conversations from 9pm till 3am and I had to be up for work by 6:30 so I’m doing all this and enjoying talking to her this was all within a three day span and I was going to ask her on a date on fourth day but she never responded to my good morning message and it’s been a week I wanna text her again but I have too much pride so can someone explain what should I do and why she ghosted me like that?

  1. Sorry man sometimes shit happens with them dating app girls. It’s a bitter truth ngl. I’d say if you REALLY want to try again than maybe say hello again but don’t be too hung up on it. Either she’s crazy or she got something going on or she moved on via ghosting. Keep your head up man you’ll find someone who’ll care eventually

  2. She probably started talking to someone else. Waiting 4 days to ask someone on a date isn’t waiting too long, and that’s a common reason why women get bored/lose interest. Don’t text her again if she’s been radio silent for a week.

  3. Shit happens but if you haven’t met yet I HIGHLY suggest keeping text conversations and phone/FT calls to a MINIMUM. Set up a date to meet right away so you chance to talk about all that in person.

    A lot of men fall into the trap of texting 24/7 and 6 hour phone calls before meeting. Sending good morning texts shows her she already has you and will undoubtedly get bored of you and find other guys to try and reel in for attention.

    If you set up a date right away, you’ll be able to figure out if she was actually interested or just wanted you for attention and you won’t waste time or get heartbroken.

    Keep your options open so you have backups. If you stay busy and don’t respond to her texts right away and cut conversations short, you’ll put the idea in her head you might have other options and if she’s actually interested she’ll do more work to try and get your attention. Women can’t resist the chase since they always want what they can’t have

  4. You shouldn’t have waited that long. I know they say not to double-text but you can EASILY forget to respond to a “good morning” text. People are busy in the morning! Maybe she read the notif, meant to text and never did, and then wondered why you never sent another message

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