Recently, I’ve been dealing with conflict by distancing myself from it or taking the short end of the stick and submitting to the other person’s will in both my personal and professional life.

This behavior manifest through self-isolation, allowing people to treat me in ways that cross my boundaries, avoiding important responsibilities (work/school) when stressed, and being complacent in toxic environments.

I know I could have such a bigger impact if I stood up for myself and others in certain pivotal moments and I’m ready to become more fearless in the face of conflict instead of running from it.

  1. Take an ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING class. You will learn how to set better boundaries with others, how to stand up for yourself, how to communicate better so that you prevent conflict from happening in the first place, and more to help you with your personal and professional life

  2. I just want to say I hope you get better at it. Usually it’s about not giving a crap but it’s dependent on factors but usually yeah just go duck you when you don’t want something

  3. Say NO. I’ll say something like “No, meet me somewhere or come at me with something we can agree on or it’s not happening”. “No” is a valid answer. So is “because I don’t want to”.

  4. Care about yourself more and care about others less to the point of becoming a changed person, then you will see change.

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