I feel like I’m so much in my head all the time when I’m outside. I keep thinking about how others are judging me and it puts a barrier between me and them because I usually assume that they are judging me harshly. I pretend to be cold and indifferent sometimes just to protect myself from being vulnerable.

I am so out of focus because of this overthinking. It makes me unable to enjoy social life as much as I could or to be myself around others. It also puts me in awkward situations that make me wish to disappear.

I’m terrible at talking to strangers, just terrible. I don’t know how to start a conversation. So it’s either someone else initiates or we’re never talking.

I’m also uncomfortable with raising my voice in public because obviously, more eyes and ears that judge me.

How do I fix this?

  1. We’re really similar lol. Hoping for some good replies, it would be helpful to me too.

  2. You must realize that people around you likely aren’t all judging nor thinking much about you. People, especially strangers aren’t preoccupied with thoughts about you, alteast not to any extent that you may believe they are.

    What you would likely need to do is to try to develop your sense of identity, to be sure in who you are. Hence, you may find yourself as more secure and either realize how they don’t rly have much reasons to judge you or even if they do, their opinions aren’t relevant as much as your own…and in this case – you know who you are and you are content with that.

    (Ofc i cannot be sure if my thoughts on this are correct solely based on your post BUT i say things above cuz this seems like striving from you not menaging to develop a strong or healthy sense of identity trou your teen years)(…mostly cuz you don’t offer any possible reasons to have such thoughts which makes those seem imaginery, out of uncertainty in whom you are in front of others).

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