So, ab a Month ago I met this fine lady on tinder. (35F). She lives not to far. We’ve been hitting off pretty well and such. However, she has 4 kids. Her oldest being 15 and her youngest being 3-4.

Most people might not see this as a problem. But I’m 20M. I wanna take care of someone and I’ve always wanted kids but idk if it’s the right thing to do.

We always text. Call each other names like “hun, sweetheart, etc.” I just don’t know the best approach or even if I should have one and become like Yung gravy.

  1. …if I was a single mum I wouldn’t wanna date someone who is only 5 years older than my oldest child…

  2. Haha 15 with a 20 year old step dad, you wanna take care of someone? Can you take care of a 35 year old who has 4 kids? It’s not what’s the right thing to do, nothing’s stopping you, but if you’re saying you always wanted kids and wanna take on all this, then I’d say you’re a much more responsible and richer 20 year old than I was

  3. Sounds like you really want to so do it, you can do whatever you want bro. I suspect you will regret it though.

  4. You’re 20 and she’s 35 with 4 kids and the oldest is 15… Of course you shouldn’t get involved. Don’t be so desperate! Go date childless women your own age and enjoy your youth.

  5. You are 20? She is 35 with 4 kids? If you just want sex, why not! But if you want a relationship, then you’d better stay away from her.

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