I’m hurting

So my partner is 24 and addicted to weed like I didn’t know it was addictive but I always notice that she isn’t happy when not on the weed and it makes me think I’m not enough or that it’s a coping mechanism, we get along really well and have a lot in common, I myself have never done any drugs of any kind and I don’t really drink. My problem is should I let my partner do what they want as they say they don’t want to stop the weed but I feel so empty because I feel like I don’t make them happy, they say I do but I always have that thought in my head…. At one point they even said they can’t stand me when they’re not high, I don’t know if they meant that but I discussed it with them and they don’t even remember saying it.

I have another thing that’s bothering me too, so I put my all into this relationship, so much so that I have neglected myself and my feelings, my partner is happy and I can see improvements in their life they have become such an incredible person, but I don’t feel happy in myself at all I’ve focused so much on them that at this point I don’t even know how to look after myself, for context they know all of this but I can’t figure out a solution.

One more thing to add I’ve had this girl (not my partner) that I’ve had a crush on for the longest time confess to me and my heart shattered… because this person is amazing but my current partner is too and I’m so conflicted… I don’t know what to do with myself.

Please give any advice you can I really need an outside perspective.

1 comment
  1. Just drop the toxic relationship and go with the girl that at least offer you true love (that is, if you like her)

    It is really quite easy: “Look I’m not happy right now and want to break up. I feel that this relationship it is not the best for me.” And then go call the other girl.

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