I’m talking specifically about crossing one knee over the other, not an ankle over the knee like I’ve seen most Americans sit.

I’m from France and its very common to see men cross their legs that way and is actually considered something a “gentleman” should do.

Just curious about the differences between cultures šŸ™‚

(and if I made any grammatical errors please let me know, English is my second language)

  1. It’s considered more feminine yes but some men will still do it regardless of that stigma.

    I don’t recall the last time I’ve seen a guy cross his legs though.

  2. I guess it is considered feminine because more women do so then men; but men do it too and nobody is going to say anything.

  3. For me, crossing legs knee over knee smooshes my gentleman bits, so I think that’s why crossing legs ankle over knee is more common for men. Not sure what that says about French men šŸ˜‰

  4. Men who care about appearing very masculine like to say they canā€™t possibly sit in that position because itā€™s too uncomfortable for their genitals. Occasionally men do it and most normal people donā€™t really care. Iā€™ve seen very ā€œmanlyā€ men sit like this and was honestly just surprised that they were that secure in their masculinity.

  5. I guess maybe slightly, but its really not that big of a deal at the same time. Let me put it this way, most of the people who cross their legs in America do happen to be woman. But if a man crossed his legs, I really don’t think people would think that much of it.

  6. Crossing legs at the knee is considered feminine because it is uncomfortable for most men due to their genitals being squished.

    Crossing your legs at the ankle is basically gender neutral.

    Crossing your legs ankle on knee is considered masculine because doing so would let someone look up a girls skirt.

  7. I cross my legs both ways depending on the situation. Most people don’t think anything about it past like middle school

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