For context, we have been dating for 3 weeks now. 29M and 28F and this weekend will be the first time we’re going to be around a big group! She sent me this text message before tomorrow:

“ Hey! I’m excited for tomorrow & to spend time with you this weekend. ☺️ I’ve been having a good time getting to know you! But I also want to let you know that I’m feeling a bit anxious because I’ve been single for quite a while, and I’m just not really comfortable with PDA at this point. I don’t want to make you feel like I’m pushing you away either, so I just wanted to be honest ahead of a lot of time in a big group so you know where I stand.”

I definitely want to respect her boundaries as I’m also not a huge fan of PDA, let alone around big group of people. Do I just let her lead and come to me? Or does this mean she’s not into me anymore? Thank you!

  1. Sounds like she’s into you. She might just be nervous. I’d suggest when this group event happens, don’t be by her side the entire time. Whether on purpose or not, she wants to see your social skills and how you get along with other people. Go meet/talk to the other people in the group, and every now and then wave at her to show you’re still good and then come back to her and hang for a bit. These are her friends right?

  2. Absolutely no judgement. Genuinely curious. From your perspective, why do you think she isn’t into you from that message?

  3. Dude she texted you a novel, she likes you. If she didn’t want to continue she wouldn’t be planning/thinking towards it.

    She’s nervous about PDA that’s it.

    Idk if hand holding is PDA but that’s one way to get close if you guys are both not into PDA. Unless that’s too much, but y’all will figure it out.

    All part of being in a new relationship, be respectful, and listen to what she’s saying and doing.

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