Do you find it uncomfortable to say or hear?

If so, what do you say instead?

  1. Yes it’s something I’d hear a gross man say, us sexy women call them underwear

  2. It’s not a word I use very often since I ditched traditional panties so it doesn’t bother me.

  3. well, to be honest, i’m not the biggest fan of the word “panties.” it just doesn’t have a particularly pleasant sound to it, and it seems like kind of an awkward word to use in conversation. however, i understand that it’s a perfectly reasonable term for many people, and i can appreciate that. ultimately, whatever makes people feel comfortable is perfectly fine with me.

  4. OTOH my initial reaction is no, I’m not uncomfortable with it. OTOtherHand, I realize that I absolutely never use that term. So I guess I don’t like it. I use the word “underwear”. Works for anyone who wears some form of garment under their clothing.

  5. It always feels like a word to describe the underwear of specifically little girls to me, so I don’t like it in general.

    I use the word undies instead! At work it actually comes up a lot, because I’m an MRI tech and frequently need to have my patients change into scrubs or a hospital gown and generally say something about the patient’s undies being ok to stay on but everything else has to be changed.

  6. switch between saying panties and underwear based on who im talking i guess. never thought about it much before but i know i definitely say both.

  7. I feel weird saying it but I like the sound of it coming out of a males mouth 💦

  8. I honestly never thought about it until just now. 😆 I just refer to them as underwear. But the word panties does sound funny now. Thanks.

  9. 🙈 not my favorite. Makes me cringe. I don’t know why.
    I just say underwear.

  10. Doesn’t bother me at all. I grew up in an area where that was just the standard word for women’s/girls’ underwear, so it’s not gross or sexual to me in any way. I understand it bothers some people, but it’s just a normal word to me. It’s interchangeable to me with women’s underwear, undies, or underpants.

  11. Its icky, specifically used for just female underwear which lead to the sexualization of the word and unfortunately seeped into beeing associated with little girls underwear, overall just a bad mix and completely unnecessary when the word underwear can bee used instead

    Sidenote:: why has there never been an equivalent word used to refer to mens underwear?? Boxers and briefs are all used to refer to mens and women’s underwear but there isn’t a specific equivalent for mens

  12. The -y in panty is a diminutive, therefore it literally means “small pants”. That’s exactly what they are. So it doesn’t bother me. But I’m a word nerd.

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