Hey all, to start, I wear headphones almost all the time when I’m in public. Specifically in this case at college. For example, when I walk to class my earbuds will be in, when I arrive 15 minutes early they will be in until class starts, and as soon as class ends I will put them on and walk to wherever I need to be and the cycle repeats.

I want to start meeting/talking to more people next semester which is soon, so I’m wondering how much of an impact does wearing earbuds has on approaching someone. Is it that bad that people just never talk to someone that’s listening to music? This past semester I talked to a good bit of people, but not as much as I was expecting.

Nonetheless, I’ll try limiting headphone usage this semester to see if anything changes. But any input from you guys would be nice.

  1. If I see someone and want to start a conversation, but they have headphones in, it would be a barrier to starting that convo. Could I still do it? Of course, but I’d think about it a split second more. And I’m a fairly social person who isn’t too worried about the idea that I’m bothering someone. But for a majority of people, 2 headphones in equals don’t talk to me.

    Also, if you’re goal is to initiate more conversations, then I think you already know the answer.

  2. i wear one headphone my entire shift at work guess thats why no one talks to me 🙄

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