being single gives me so much time to myself, and i can do anything i want and not have to worry about a whole other person.

don’t get me wrong, i do miss having someone to always talk to, or have someone to cuddle, but i can always find someone (or something) to do that with.

i love being single. and i wouldn’t mind staying single for a while. i do want to get married someday. but for now the men in my town suck ass. and are rude asf so i’m 100% okay with waiting until i move.

  1. I (25F) just got out of a 6 year relationship 3 months ago and love being single rn! I’ve been finally getting out there and trying new things and getting out of my shell. It’s been fun meeting new people even just as friends and starting up new hobbies. I’ve been going to places I’ve never gone before & things I would have been too afraid of before. I got to try kava for the first time, went mountain biking for the first time and there’s already plans in place to go again. For 6+ years I’ve wanted a motorcycle and never got one and I finally plan to pursue my dream of getting one. I hope to get my motorcycle license by the end of this year. I’ve also naturally always been very slim so never found the need to the gym before but I plan on starting just for something new for me to do and get me out of the house since I work from home and I figure it could be kind of therapeutic. It’s kind of funny to think how crushed I was when he ended things with me, especially after being together for 6 years (he was my first everything) but now I’m enjoying the single life!

  2. I could have wrote this myself 🤣.

    I haven’t had much luck in dating… I just seem to give the wrong men the benefit of doubt and it always comes to bite me in the ass!

    Been single over a year now and I love being single. I do want to get married and have all that romantic crap 🤣. I do miss being in a relationship but not enough to currently get in a relationship. I recently tested the water and dated a guy (unintentionally 🤣🤷‍♀️) and it just confirmed that I’m not ready for a relationship and that it’s gonna take some time until I am and that it will take someone really special to come along until I am ready.

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