For context, I (18M) have known this girl (18F) for 8-9months and have been talking over snapchat here and there, recently we met up with one of my other friends but I fumbled and failed to make a move (which I still regret). At this point I thought it would be over, however she texts me the same night suggesting I should go to hers soon. Long story short we made plans for me to go to her house.

Fast forward and I ended up going out of my way to cancel work so I could go and see her, but then out of nowhere, she cancels on me by saying her parents won’t let her have people round (even though they won’t be home for the whole week). I don’t know whether I should believe this or is she just making excuses? I do believe she has or has had interest in me at some point, but it seems everytime plans are made with me and any girl, something always goes wrong. These kinds of situations have happened to me so many times and I’m tired of it.

At this point I have simply lost hope and lost the energy to pursue her or any other girl purely because It seems to me like I just have the worst luck with girls and that everything seems to work against me when I’m inches away from securing a girl. I’m also more annoyed because I went out of my way to cancel work to go and see her, just for her to say she can’t anymore a few hours later after cancelling work. It was only after this that I realised that I am attached to her, which is exactly what I didn’t want. I genuinely am lost on what to do because I don’t want to pursue her or any other girl because I don’t want to end up in this situation again, but at the same time I’ve never had a girlfriend and I’m not flooded with DMs from loads of girls, so I’d think I should take any chance I get. What do I do?

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