I have a coworker who scares me and gives off a creepy vibe but they are actually pretty kind. Idk why but i always get nervous around them and i think they are starting to notice bc they keep starting conversations with me and even said “i dont bite”. And one time i approached them and literally froze when they looked at me 😭. I obviously cant keep being so nervous around them but idk how to stop. And i cant avoid them either bc then its awkward. How do i get over my fear? Btw i can talk to other coworkers just fine

  1. is she/he same age as you ? If so, then you have a plenty of things to talk abt.

  2. I’m always that co worker, just be open with them and they’ll match your energy. All of this is in your head

  3. Can you identify what about them scares you? That might be a first step. It sounds like you might have an unconscious prejudice.

  4. Yeah I know what you mean, my boss used to scare me because he’s a man of few words and thought he was constantly judging me. But turns out he’s pretty cool but just a very quiet guy. So maybe they might grow on you over time

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