I spent this weekend away. At a festival with some friends a few others I had never met. Met a girl, lets call her Sam. Over the weekend I have developed a pretty serious crush on Sam. It is not a physical infatuation, but true emotional feelings for another person.

We immediately hit it off and our connection grew over the 3 days of our trip. Every night, when everyone else had gone to bed, we stayed up for hours talking and laughing(a whole lot of laughing… gut busting laughter). Just the 2 of us. On the very last night, the conversation got the point where Sam said “I feel like I’ve known you for much longer than 3 days. We’re kind of the same”. I agreed and then, almost uncontrollably said “guess that explains why I have a crush on you”. She was surprised, but seemingly not at the fact that I had feelings for her, but the fact that I said it outloud.

I am guilty and ashamed that I didnt have the self control to stop myself from saying that. But it happened. I have a girlfriend of 2 years, and things have been going very well with her. She makes me happy, and I make her happy.

If this was physical attraction, is would chalk it up to human nature. There is nothing wrong with funding other people attractive in a healthy way in my opinion. But this surly is giving me a sign that something is not right.

While I do not wish to leave my gf for Sam, I am getting the urge to come clean to my gf and tell her about this weird moment honestly to maybe work through. Should I tell her, or should I let this simmer out?

1 comment
  1. well it’s a bit tricky– but if u “wish to leave my gf for sam” — then maybe u shouldn’t stay with ur gf. If u would leave your partner for someone else then that’s what you want. It’s not rlly fair to your gf to stay with her if u want someone else. So if you seriously like this girl, and want something to happen. Please break up with your gf before anything happens. Like you’ve already told this girl that u have a crush on her—- if my partner had told someone else that- i would honestly break up with him. No one wants to hear that their partner likes someone else. But sidenote- don’t feel guilty about liking someone else, it happens. All you can do is to deal with it in a good way.

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