19m here. I dont have severe social anxiety but I have a lot of confidence issues that cause some really specific issues. I would call myself extroverted and also introverted but I get most of my energy and happiness when im around friends rather than alone. My confidence issues is that I always assume people just dont like me or find me annoying when I know that is complete bullshit and illogical. I therefore dont interact as much with people as I feel like I’m annoying them. With my friend group, I am good friends with them but not great friends. I will interact really well with them irl but struggle to interact with them outside of that because of my own shitty issues. Often times somebody has to message me consistently first before I get comfortable talking to them. It is quite frankly pissing me off because I still struggle to get over it and dont know how to fix it.

I remember before the holidays I was saying how I was gonna organize an event to hangout with them and they were all down but the anxiety feeling that I was being annoying came back and I never organized it and later on one of my friends mentioned they were waiting for me text.

I know that if I really want to keep these friends after school I need to start actually messaging them when I feel like it instead of feeling like it but not actually doing it. But that irrational thought that they dont like me when I know it is completely and utter bullshit is just so crippling.

I have even spoken to a few of them about this once but in a general matter not specific to them and some of them are similar to me. There is one particular person I actually want to get to know a lot more but this unnecessary anxiety is stopping me again… I also start getting these like feelings like if I am always messaging them and they dont message me as much they must not want to talk to me even though that is probably not true and a million other factors like how they are more introverted would be the reason before me considering all of the positive and nice shit they say about me.

I might sound like a 12 year old girl cus this whole post is going on about messaging people but that is because when im with them irl I dont have these issues really at all and messaging is just one of the only ways for me to keep in touch after school ends.

Any advice on some strategies to get through this would really be great.

  1. Take up meditation to have a better handle on what’s happening in your mind and directing your mind. Youre really judgemental of yourself and preoccupied with what other may be thinking about you. That takes up a lot of mental and emotional energy

    Free your mind of your own judgements and the judgements of others. Enjoy the moment you are living in and be a full part of it with no self made road blocks

  2. Meditation definitely helps! Be yourself! Accept yourself fully find what you like about you and you’ll always glow from the inside out

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