What time do you go to sleep at night?

  1. 9:30 or 10 at the latest. I need to be in bed at 8:30 but that’s when my kids go to bed and i need time to unwind so I’m forced to stay up later than i really want to.

  2. When I’m working, around 10pm maybe 10:30

    If I’m not working, probably between 1-2am

  3. I head up by 8, settle in after my bath and stuff by 9-930. When my husband is gone I’m asleep before 10. If he’s home, midnight. I appreciate him being gone.

  4. I head up by 8, settle in after my bath and stuff by 9-930. When my husband is gone I’m asleep before 10. If he’s home, midnight. I appreciate him being gone.

  5. Depends on the time of year. In the summer, usually not before 10pm, sometimes as late as 11pm, up around 6:15am. In the wintertime, usually around 9pm. My Circadian rhythm follows the seasons pretty strongly.

  6. I’m so bad. 4am is early for me. The past month or so I don’t think I’ve fallen asleep before 9am once.

  7. Usually in bed by 11, but probably fall asleep between 11.30 and midnight. I get up at 7/7.30.

  8. Usually around 3 or 4am. Which isn’t great because I have to be up at 4 for work often.

  9. Usually at 10:30 – 11:00 PM but recently my sleeping schedule has been chaotic. I’ll sleep at 9 PM one night and at 2 AM the next. It’s like there’s no in between. When I’m at my apartment alone I go to bed at the same time every single day. Now I’m at my parent’s house and it’s really messy here so is my sleeping schedule.

  10. 1-2 am. During summer and weekends I am up by 8. During the kid’s school year I’m up by 6.

  11. I try to be in bed about 2 hours before I actually have to fall asleep. I need to watch tv to sleep.

    So I just lie in bed and watch something I’ve seen a million times to turn my brain off enough to actually fall asleep.

    So I’m in bed by 10, but try to aim to fall asleep at 11:30/12:00. I’m up at 7:30

  12. it used to be 10pm in bed every night. now i work nights I don’t have a bed time lol

  13. Anytime between 10:30pm and 1am these days. Depends on what time work is the next day or if I have a day off.

  14. Hahahaha. Sleep, that’s funny.
    …. Perimenopause anyone? It’s a real joy

  15. 2 AM… unless I have something to finish up… but no later than 3 AM…as long as I get the printing done so I don’t waste time at work… but even then I have a ***firm*** deadline of 4 AM. After all, 7 AM comes at the same time every day and I have to be reasonable.

  16. 9:00-9:30, haven’t seen 10:00pm on a clock in a looooooong while.

    Up at 4:10, because those 10 min make all the difference dang nammit!

  17. When I’m tired. I don’t have a set time lol. It’s almost always after 2 am tho

  18. No later than 9:30-10:00 most days. If I’m stressing it could be well into the morning. I then have to wake up by 6:30 every morning.

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