When you wake up in the morning whose text do you look forward to seeing/reading the most?

  1. No one. I don’t expect to receive any texts overnight/in the morning, so I would worry that it was an emergency to see a text notification when I wake up.

  2. I can’t imagine waking up to something better than “Work is cancelled today” from my boss.

  3. Usually my dad, he likes to occasionally text me things like “good morning sunshine” 🙂

  4. My partner’s. He works a 12-hour night shift. I wake up to a barrage of texts and videos of his various shenanigans trying to stay awake.

  5. my fiancé. we’re in a long distance relationship (he’s 2 hours behind me) and always stays up after i’ve gone to bed. seeing his texts first thing in the morning makes my day! bonus points if he leaves voice notes

  6. I don’t have anyone in my life who texts me regularly enough for me to look forward to reading a text from them. It would be a pleasant surprise if I woke up to a text from ANY of my friends really

  7. Probably either of my parents or my brother. They are my favorite people in the world.

  8. Boss telling me the office is on fire or something and that we all are getting a week off.

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