What’s your favorite movie plot twist?

  1. I’m not sure it counts as a twist but the denouement for The Maltese Falcon is one of my absolute favorite scenes in any movie. Spade’s monologue on honor, partnership, crime, and love grips me like no other. The entire brilliant movie builds towards that moment.

  2. Signs, I love that film, he is a brilliant director, the way all the characters come together at the end with Mel Gibson realising he has everything he needs to kill the Alien and save his son.
    Also to this date. The scene with the alien hiding at the birthday party outside still freaks me out.

  3. I loved the twist in Gone Girl when Amy kills Tommy, makes it seem like she had been kidnapped by him. She then returns to her husband and acts like she never set him up.

  4. Saw is definitely one that made me go “wait, what?!”

    This pointless body just laying there for the entire movie rising up at the end, revealing himself to be John Kramer/Jigsaw and that the key that would have helped the guy escape went down the plughole at the very beginning of the movie, so everything he’d done to free himself was just totally pointless.

  5. The genre switch in the World’s End. You need to go into it completely unspoiled, do not read any summaries or anything. Just click play.

  6. The Others were awesome. The Orphanage destroyed my soul. Identity was so satisfying and mind blowing. The Game was also amazing. Do I even need to describe A Beautiful Mind? I just love plot twists!

  7. The best I’ve ever seen is *House of Cards* with Ian Richardson. Twist after twist throughout the British series.

  8. In the Orphan when the little girl was actually a full on woman the whole time and tries to seduce her adoptive father

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