It’s not even a couple minutes till this girl comes to pick me up and we’re gonna go to her house to do some stuff. And then she tells me she’s trans…I’m a straight guy. Ik she’s technically a girl or whatever but it sorta set me off…am I wrong for this? I don’t wanna cancel. But again now I’m scared. So like idk. What do I do?

  1. You do you boo. If that is a deal breaker for you then that’s totally fine. You get to say no for any reason and you don’t have to give a reason. Obviously be kind and polite with how you end things and move on.

    You can recognise that someone is a woman if they identify as a woman and have respect for that but they just may not be the kind of woman you’re attracted to. That’s valid. That’s what literally all dating is for right? Finding out if that person is the kind of person you’re into. In this case they’re not.

  2. If you do not like dick, it’s probably not for you, as far as intimacy goes. But you never know

  3. So this thread got weird quick —- couple of things.
    1. You’re a minor, so let’s start there. This is a bit more serious then asking a girl to prom… and your reaction is that of someone who doesn’t quite have all the makings of a critically thinking brain yet.
    2. You’re attracted to her, and that’s BIG time wigging you out. I would venture to guess this is your first interaction with a trans person and it’s in a “bombshell” type of way. Of course, I don’t know this for sure… but I’m taking a flying leap thinking you’ve been fist pumping your buddies about getting with an older woman, annnnnnd now you have no idea what to do, think, or say.
    3. This interaction 24 to 17 probably didn’t happen organically. Apps or some kind of arrangement was made and you thought you understood the terms, and then the terms changed.

    Overall, it’s a much, much smarter choice to stay home. Certainly no weapons. If you’re trying to sustain some kind of a relationship (though why a 24 year old Would want to date a 17 year old escapes me – no offense) then you could agree to go talk somewhere. Otherwise, cut it off.

    I truly think you’re far more likely to make a mistake or take an action you regret by going.

  4. You do not have to do anything you are uncomfortable with. Do not do something you will regret.

  5. Just tell her you don’t want to go in the most respectful way, you can be honest but respectful

  6. I dont think her being trans is the biggest issue tbh. She’s 24 and you’re 17. Big no. I’m 25 and the idea of dating or hooking up with a 17 yr old gives me the ick no offense. I feel like the age gap alone is enough for it to be a dealbreaker.

  7. Is she a pre op or post op and how much do you want to do stuff with her you could get a good story out of this

  8. You do you bro ive never bern in your shoes but if i was ill say not for me you cant force yourself to be with someone you don’t want

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