Ive been dmming this girl for 2 hours now, at first she seemed kinda hard to get but after she asked for my instagram (we met on this other social media app) she followed me did the usual and we continued talking on instagram. She then became nicer longer messages and she was more open about herself. Since it was 12pm i told her i was gonna sleep and continue the convo tomorrow, she sent me that that was oke with her and she ended with a “sleep well!” I said the usual thanks and thats how it ended. how do i continue the conversation without scaring her away or creeping her out tomorrow? Were both around the age of 16 and my potential goal is to ask her out on a date since i really like her.

1 comment
  1. Don’t overthink it, just start with a casual “hi how are you today?” Or similar and then the conversation will go from there

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