Have you ever quit a job with nothing to go to?

I’m interested in why you did that and whether it worked out.

  1. 27m Chicago. Just quit my low 6 figures consulting gig and thinking of taking a few months off to travel Europe. Saved up 15k, rented out condo, and grabbed a 0% apr cc. Also single and no kids so I have flexibility.

    Make sure you have cash and can survive for at least 3 months w no income and don’t take the first job that comes your way. This is my 2nd timing doing it, and although I don’t recommend, sometimes it’s for the best.

    Best of luck

  2. In 1993, I had a good job in software. It was everything I could want I. A job and I was miserable. After talking it over with my wife I went to my boss and told her I needed to quit.

    She took it well but asked if I could continue to work with a customer I had been working with. It meant working 2 days every other week at there site. I agreed.

    That is how I became a consultant and gave me the time to pursue my new passion in golf rules as a volunteer that eventually led to a new career in 2000.

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