I have a second date with a guy, and I just don’t know if I’m as attracted to their online posts and personality as I am to them in person.

We met like two weeks ago for drinks and we had some good times (iykwim) at my place afterwards. I generally enjoyed our conversation, despite it being quite surface-level. He talked mainly about his work. I am also attracted to his physical appearance.

However, his behavior between then and the date tomorrow through text and online is putting me off. He basically doesn’t really text me or gives very short responses. He also posts a lot of photos of himself on social media with cringey captions. (Like one of his stories was of his face in someone’s lap, captioned “what would you do if you saw this in your lap”). I even tried cancelling the second date, basically saying “I think you’re looking for something casual and that’s not what I’m looking for”. But he said that was not the case and that he wanted to get to know me.

He seems a bit self centered and not really great at texting, so I’m not sure if I want to give him a second date. Should I judge someone by their online personality?

  1. I have had similar experience with a guy before and I realized he only liked the thought of having me? (As in going on dates and can hit me up anytime he wanted) for him I was just there if he wanted to kill time. I knew he was attracted to me physically but more than that he was not that into me. sounds like the same thing is happening to u. Some men just like having options to pass their time with an attractive woman. I would suggest to just ditch him unless you are also looking for a pass time

  2. You sound like you rarely get out and are online a LOT, or think online presence is more important than how he comes across in person.

    So, if this fellow is not going to make you happy online, he seems a poor match.

  3. When I post things on social media, many times it doesn’t really depict who I really am. Maybe he posts certain things to get more likes or keep up with a fake persona online. But if he’s different and much better in person, why would that bother you?

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