jI feel sick at myself for this and haven’t slept or ate anything for a few days.
So I was dating this guy for a while and he told me all the things I wanted to hear how much he liked me I met his friends he constantly complimented me and said he was so happy and loved being around me and all that stuff. He got out of a long term relationship about 4 months ago and this raised alarm bells with me so I asked him if I was a rebound and he assured me he’s not like that. He then start becoming distant a few days ago and then the dreaded text of ‘sorry im just busy with everything and not looking for anything serious’.
This was fair enough but something clicked in me and I had a full on anger breakdown as soon as I read that message. I think its the fact I had received a similar message from a different guy not long before this and the anger I repressed from that came out all at once. I’m a girl and I acted like those ‘nice guys’ that get petty when they get rejected.

So basically I was like why did you have to waste my time and then i added a snarky comment like ‘ next time you meet someone online post more recent pictures because some girls dont like bigger guys and will take it worse than I did’
I dont know what came over me it was a horrible thing to say especially since it was true so it wasn’t like I was making it up.
I just want to die I’m literally never confrontational and it was so childish of me. I have since messaged him and apologised profusely and said it was a reflection of my own insecurity and I just wanted to say something hurtful.

He has thanked me for apologising and said he sees why I was upset and hes sorry for leading me on. I still just feel so guilty about this and don’t know what to do to make it better

  1. Just leave it alone, take it from me(24m).
    Just do things that make you feel better. Eat all the ice cream you want. Feed yourself first, girlie!

  2. You did better than what 99% of the population would’ve done after lashing out. Go have a beer, eat some ribs and take a nap. You’re fine.

  3. What did you say to him? Also whatever it was, people who waste others’ time or send mixed signals DESERVE to be lashed out on. I don’t care what anyone says. You rub people wrong, you deserve it.

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