What’s a strange thing about your body?

  1. I can crack my knuckles by just clenching a fist and crack them repeatedly as much as I want. It takes a lot of willpower to not do it constantly lol

  2. I can shit as quick as most people pee. Nothing wrong with me at all, i just poop extremely quick 😅

  3. Oddly prehensile toes. Very useful when you’re just cleaning up around the house. Picking up the kids laundry thats on the floor, tossing it into the hamper, stray toys. They move unusually independently and can stretch out more than most people’s, so I can grab a lot with them. Ive painted stuff with my feet and typed stuff just as a party trick too.

  4. It recovered much faster at age 19 from being hit by a truck (requiring resuscitation) than it has at age 30 from slipping down some stairs.

  5. Do you guys grow hair on your outer ear? I do😳. They’ll show up more as I age, my grandad had an inch long hair on his ears.

  6. I have pectus excavatum.

    Most people think I am making the term up when I tell them about it, so I guess it fits the strange description.

  7. I can only raise one eye brow. And I can only wink with the opposite eye to the eyebrow I can only raise.

  8. Everyone in my family has blue eyes but I think mine are the most vibrant. Mainly because I have gotten a ton of compliments on them especially when I had to wear a mask at work. Most of the time that’s the first thing people notice about me.

  9. At the base of my skull, some of the nerve endings are damaged from an injury sustained a while back. Not enough to be debilitating, but my doctor at the time warned me that taking a another good blow there might be a permanent lights out. Since then I get occasional spasms when I stretch a certain way. Not entirely sure why, but I figure I might be pressing on a nerve somewhere in there.

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