For context, this is my first relationship so i don’t know if these things are usual. I‘ll list some of the problems I‘ve encountered:
– our love languages don’t match. He loves quality time which I can’t provide due to being an active musician, physical contact which I despise (it makes me feel trapped) and words of affirmation. Now I have a severe case of fear of intimacy to the point where I get panic attacks if I have to talk about my feelings. He calls me an alien for that
-he tells me he loves me a lot. The first time was the day I accepted to go on a date. I don’t feel comfortable saying it back but feel pressured to when he tells me stuff like „and what about you“ or „and how do you feel about me“ or in the way he jokingly answers himself with „i love you too“ when I don’t say it instantly. I‘ve already told him that I don’t like that but it doesn’t stop.
– I don’t know if I truely love him. There is no dazzling feeling or euphoria. I don’t envision my future with him.
– I knew he has mental problems but he doesn’t seem to want to change. He tells me everything and I try to help but he dismisses my efforts telling me its not that bad and he deserves it. It makes me feel like a discount therapist and useless. He also told me I’m the reason he is not depressed anymore which makes me worry that if I break up he will fall back and it will be my fault that he is suicidal.
– the moment I try to open up (which is terrifying for me) he belittles my struggles saying things like „but you don’t know how I‘ve suffered“
– he wants to know everything from who I am out with to what I‘ve eaten and what film I‘m watching and my schedule.
– he won’t stop texting me. Now I know this sounds weird that this is a problem but he texts me every minute of the day and starts spamming after I don’t respond (I also have other responsibilities). It feels like I am suffocating. I am also an introvert who needs space and alone time while he is extremely extroverted.

I just feel like I‘m walking on eggshells and am pressured to be with him. I know he loves me but is a relationship supposed to feel that way?
Another problem is that we‘re in the same friendgroup and they have shipped us for a long time. I’m worried about damaging our group by breaking up.
We‘ve only been together for four weeks but do you see any chance of this working out?

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