Personally think the idea that chads or top 5-10% of men are banging all the women as if they need to lower their standards on dating apps to get laid. Reality is they’re hoarding all the quality women who unironically use things like tinder for quick hookups or seeking a relationship

  1. Come on now, your mom is a quality woman and she isn’t on Tinder. She’s with me now. And you need to stop with your Oedipus complex, it’s creeping us out

  2. I would say that the biggest lie is that it is ok to wait to get have children. As we age fertility gets lower with it being increasingly difficult to have children, especially for women. Prolonged dating and waiting can have biological consequences. So hookups and not seriously dating until you are 30 can have implications. -From a single college student

  3. Dating apps giving out false hopes that you have a chance with the women that you see and “match” with (It’s extremely low but not impossible). Women “get to be as picky as they want” yet still complain about not being able to find a good guy.

    Most women want the top guys in the dating world but fail to realize that top tier guys get to pick whoever they want, and usually it’s someone young and attractive.

    Not all women are good and not all women are worth your time/efforts.

    Women need to be approaching men more often and making more efforts to make the first move. As in *clear communication* not this “I looked his way bullshit”

    There’s still good & real women out there….

  4. Modern dating is a lot like how casinos get you hooked to the slot machines – that next spin might just win you a jackpot.

    We’ve become the same way, convincing ourselves that there’s a perfect partner for all of us, as long as they have a perfect 10 appearance. So we keep spinning hoping we someday win that jackpot. The 10/10. So a lot of people waste a lot of time of their lives shrugging off perfect partners in favor of traits and features that they think are perfect, but it’s all superficial.

    Before modern dating (and the influence we’ve gotten from ad campaigns that make us think we’ll get laid by supermodels if we buy specific brands and products) people understood that the idea of a perfect 10 is completely relative to the individual perception, and finding that perfect partner means still seeing them as perfect despite any of their supposed imperfections.

  5. They aren’t banging them all.


    The problem is that the 4s to 8s in women are ONLY interested in those 9s and 10s, and completely ignore the sub-8 men. Whether they ever get pounded out by Chad or Tyrone doesn’t really matter.


    Though, typically they have had a 9 or 10 guy at one point slum it and pump-n-dump them. So that feeds their fantasy that, yes Virginia I CAN land a 9 or 10. Which of course they can’t. But they keep on trying, or they treat the normal men out there with disdain as they use them for free meals or a tree to monkeybranch from when their ship comes in.

  6. It is true that most women strive for the top 5-10%. Study way back when Plenty of Fish was popular showed women thought 80% of the men were undateable. Similar results can be found for other apps. In general the number of sexual partners a man has has a huge standard deviation for men. One lie: if she has her socials on her profile, she is more available. Women that have their socials on their profile are communicating with hundreds of guys. She might shallow talk and try to get validation, but that’s it. Even with dates they have backups already set up if there main fails. They will just make something up last min (sick, car broke down, etc.). They don’t care about a man’s feelings until they date him.

  7. The biggest lie is that picture of you surfing three years ago. You just wanted to show your abs in a picture of you that’s not the bathroom.

  8. That the apps and dating sites match you with someone similar. They don’t. They hit up multiple people and it stops .Then the costs kick in. So what meant to be free. Their are costs

  9. How is what you’re saying a lie though? The “Chad’s” or top 5 -10% are getting most of the hookups and causal sex. It’s a lot more proportioned when it comes to relationships, as any average guy can find a relationship. Relationships are built more on personality, shared interests etc. But that relationship will be the only kind of sex they’ll have, with like maybe *one* hookup in their life if they’re lucky. And that girlfriend they have will be the only one who is interested in them, in which case between girlfriends they will not get much casual sex if at all. There’s a reason men with the same physical features (tall, strong jaw, shoulders wider than waist) tend to get more interest from a larger majority of women

    Take me for example. I’m able to find relationships very easily, but I could never get any sort of hookup. Makes sense, I’m average looking and 5’6, so this is no shock to me. And this is after I have put effort into my appearance from grooming, style, even got a plastic surgery (though it didn’t have a drastic enough change so I want another one)s But, as a guy who doesn’t really care for relationships, it’s not exactly a win to me.

  10. Biggest lie is to be yourself no one is yourself* so stop telling yourself a lie be a man be confident, don’t care take risks, say painful truths

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