Since getting pregnant I’ve realized that my baby’s father has ups and downs when it comes to our sex life wondering if it’s just him overthinking or the fact that my body’s not the same.

  1. Do you still act the same about sex? Maybe spice it up! Add something new or exciting

  2. I mean, if he’s got ups too then I don’t think that would be it. He could just be stressing though.

  3. It depends if she’s feeling sick or not. When I was the surrogate boyfriend for a friend, she had needs I needed to satisfy inside the bedroom and out.

  4. I went back and forth between finding her incredibly sexy and thinking she is too delicate and precious to ravish.

  5. When my ex was pregnant I felt more “in love” with her during sex. Maybe it was pride, maybe it was my way of wanting her to feel secure that I was around. I wouldn’t say I was more turned on by her being pregnant but I wasn’t about to stop what we already were doing.

    Plus I had already gotten use to not pulling out, atleast when she was knocked up I didn’t need to worry about it 🤣

  6. Preg body is sexy, but it’s party emotional for me as I’m not as attracted to naked pregnant strangers as I was with my wife. Still horny, maybe a bit less aggressive, and I initiated less often, but was maybe wanting it more. Talk to him about it, you’ll feel better. This is new for him too.

    Source: 4 kids

  7. It is normal. There is a lot that is fun and new. We are also (at times) dealing with someone that is emotionally and physically different than who we are used to, which is something we have to feel out.

    I know there were a lot of times that I was all about jumping on my wife, but I was scared that she was too exhausted, hurting, uncomfortable, or fragile.

    Good luck with it!

  8. granted he is in love and excited about being a father, men go through a lot of hormonal changes as well during pregnancy and after birth. women get an increase in hormones that make them aggressive and men get the opposite effect. their brains chemically rewire to become more nurturing, gentle and extremely protective like you’re made of glass. something to do with caveman times and survival of the fittest stuff.

    there is also all the fun stress that comes with babies and he could just be freaking out at times.

  9. 3 daughters

    Number 2: I was terrified of hurting my daughter. Terrified of hurting my wife.

    Number 3: came home from deployment. Umm yeah. #1 & 2 to the sitters. Me sailor, you sailor’s wife. #3 came out just fine.

  10. Since you referred to him as your baby’s father I assume you are not married, which was the situation for me too, so don’t think for a second I’m being judge mental.

    He is probably stressing out about a lot of things like supporting a human being for life. He’s scared half to death a lot of the time but because of all you have to deal with mentally AND physically, he doesn’t want to burden you with that, even on your best of days. Men don’t often have the same types of emotional support. He is “carrying” a lot of stress and burdens every day. I was far more terrified of her having a baby than I was about getting married. It’s likely the most stressed out he’s ever been in his life and there’s very little he can do.

    Here’s what helped me a lot. “Let” him go have some beers, not be sober because you have to be. Let him have a few with his friends, and if possible, give him a ride. On the surface you might feel like that’s a little unfair but like I said, he has very few ways to de stress. You’re going through a lot, but you could walk up to virtually any woman on the street and start crying and she will probably hug you. You (hopefully) have a lot of emotional support around you in addition to him. He worries about many of the same things you do but he has virtually nothing, and likely doesn’t want to talk about them for fear of burdening you. He’s almost a peripheral figure.

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