I’m from South Florida, which ironically is the complete opposite of “southern”. I’m used to some god awful customer service down here. I get that lower end work isn’t really respected that well and the pay doesn’t compensate all to well, but I’ve encountered so many mean spirited people here working in the service industry. Overall just terrible customer service full of people who refuse to do their jobs.

A couple years back, I had to stop at a McDonald’s in Georgia. Let me tell you. I was absolutely BAFFLED at how kind everyone was. Even the people exiting, holding the door for us. Was not used to that kind of treatment at all. Everyone seemed so kind. I know the south gets a bad rep sometimes, but I really felt like the hospitality there was next level. At least to what I’m used to.

So southerners, does the south generally have better customer service? Or was my brief encounter just sheer luck?

  1. In my experience, service is slow and inefficient, but the people can be friendly.

  2. customer service in the south is good, but I don’t feel like it’s much different than other regions of the country I’ve been in. I’ve lived in the deep south & the upper Midwest – very comparable vibes in both places. and when I’ve ventured out into other regions, I haven’t noticed a massive difference.

    I feel like good customer service at restaurants is pretty standard in the US, and your experience sounds really unusual to me, personally.

  3. I feel like we, as southerners, kind of pride ourselves on that sort of stuff like being very nice and friendly, some people can kinda get annoyed by it tho which I also get, but we are very friendly especially in areas that aren’t as urban

  4. I don’t think what you’re describing is a Southern thing, but rather a rural thing. In my travels, I often notice that fast food restaurants are much better in rural areas, which makes sense, because they’re not as busy. Overall, the worst experiences I’ve had have been in larger Southern cities, though.

  5. I have noticed in times when I’ve lived outside of the South, when holding a door open for someone I’d get a disgusted or offended reaction.

  6. People say the south is very friendly but it is a very superficial and fake friendly.

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