Hi guys I am into an extraordinary girl who probably has fear of intimacy.
This girl rejected me when I asked her out and it is ok.
I started ignoring her unfortunately and she got angry and disappointed.
After 1 month I decided to tell her that I really liked her both phisically and mentally.
She told me she likes me as a person, she told me I am beautiful and that I am extremely intelligent.
However she told me she feels nothing for me (or better she told me that she does not feel that sparkle).
The problem is that she told me that in her life she has never felt anything for a guy because she is scared of getting too close to people and she is scared that they could leave her suddenly as her father did when she was young.
As a good man(as I consider my self) I told her that I am willing to be her friend even though I see her as much more than a simple friend. And I told her that for whatever reason if she wants to talk to me about anything, be it stupid be it more intelligent, she knows where I am and she just needs to call.
She replied that this was her goal and I noticed that after this conversation we had she got way closer to me.
Well now I would probably sound selfish but I would really like to make that step forward with her, even if this would mean waiting for her for a long time.
I really wanna help her overcome this fear however I don’t know how to do.

TL:DR: Girl (18F) is scared of loving people and I would like to help her

1 comment
  1. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do either, man. Has she tried going to therapy to solve this?

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