Any comfort books, other reads, or things to emotionally help after a long term relationship has ended. I (26F), I’m trying to heal the parts of me to move on. I’m drowning in every emotion of hurt just about has been swallowing me whole. I need something to help me cope and get through this, cause I need to be me again and I haven’t been me, I haven’t been feeling okay emotional and mentally, I’ve been realizing this. I’d like to get back to me emotionally and healthy mentally.

Some back story if it helps,
I’m a single mom now, we are split up.
We have one child, and every single day my son (19 months old) wants his dad and cannot understand why his dad isn’t here. He searches the whole house just about every morning, calling out dadda or cries very emotionally when his dad comes to see him. I’m emotionally going through the swing of emotions hardcore watching my son go through it. Therapy hasn’t been working. I don’t know what else to do. Some books on a child going through this as well to help me emotionally with him would help too!!
I need to repair and be strong.

Tl;dr :
Please recommend me things that have helped you or brought you comfort through times like these or long term relationship that has come to an end.
Books on how to comfort a child going through this as well and the changes of parents separated and living separately.

Thank you. Books or reads that help.

1 comment
  1. You might have luck in /r/divorce or /r/custody, if you don’t get any good recs here

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