I just don’t understand how people are fine with being alone. I have been alone for most of my life and only had a hand full or irl girlfriends and ldr girlfriends. I am quite terrified of woman because of my past and I know how much power they have over men’s lives. Due to more recent events in my life. I feel like i cannot trust or rely on anyone to follow through on basic plans anymore. If you want a back story I’ll post it in the comments below.

  1. If you become a practiced meditator, really being able to immerse yourself in the present moment and fully accepting how reality is presenting itself, you can be comfortable in any situation

  2. I can empathize, man.
    If everyone is on drugs and finding a way to pass the buck, be it through divorce or child support, why would I want in?

    Granted I’ve lived a full life and experienced a lot of great people and places.
    There are times I’m more content being alone.

  3. It was all fun being alone until you open up social media and looking at others having fun with their friends đź’€

  4. I’d been alone for oof a good year and half… like depression, minimal contact with humans type of alone. It got to the point where I was like wow I haven’t heard my voice today, bc I didn’t say anything out loud bc I had no one to talk to often….. anyways I randomly decided that I should go on a date even tho I was a creature of the night not knowing how to interact with people anymore… my date asked me a simple question “what do you like to do for fun” and trying to say out loud what you like do for fun will really humble you. Like I realized I had no idea what I liked to do for fun besides that basics that everyone does for fun…. That’s how I started getting comfortable being alone though, I went on a journey of finding what I liked to do for fun with or without others

  5. well…it took years for the thoughts to stop circling, but eventually I was ready to understand the book “zen mind beginner’s mind” and the rest is history. i usually sit around listening to calming music and read books lol. I also make sure to decorate my living space nicely. a little mood lighting goes a long way, but also having furniture and rugs and stuff is nice I’ve realized

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