I want to take more action, especially since my boyfriend (21M) likes sex to be more of a 50-50 effort. I just get insecure about how my body/face look (even tho he can’t really see them very well without his glasses) and I like kissing during sex but when I bend down to kiss him while on top I A) get slobbery and B) can’t move my hips. I’m frustrated and every time I try and fail it makes the anxiety worse, to the point that now whenever I get on top I just kinda freeze and have no intelligent thoughts entering my brain besides a repeated “I don’t know what I’m doing.” We’ve only been together for 4 months and since he’s my first real boyfriend, this is like my 8th time ever having sex. While he’s been understanding so far, I’m just worried that he’ll only be patient for so long ://.

  1. He will not lose his patience if you show effort and talk about things you want to try.

    Sloppy kisses are not a bad thing.

    Moving hips, finding a position to make this easier, check out badgirlsbible.com for ideas, check the site out together.

    Falling, try doing it on the floor, take the blankets and lay them down.

  2. Id recommend getting a suction dildo and practising on that. I’ve been doing that recently as I also lack experience being on top and in general have a difficult time moving my hips in sex because I was never really guided as to how. So now I’m teaching myself and also learning what feels good to me. And it makes me feel more confident as I don’t have anyone watching me.

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