my gf left me 2 days ago, said she lost feelings.

Now i really feel like going on a “sex rampage”, to get over her sooner. It did help me with my previous relationship to get over her much faster. But last time i waited 2 weeks before fucking other girls again, and now me and my ex will be meeting on wednestay to talk bout breakup in person, so idk if i should wait till then so maybe something will change (even tho she told me its like over for real), or just go straight for hookups. I can already have one tomorrow if i want to.

what do yall think? im 18 btw

  1. I didn’t even wait a week but then I’d emotionally checked out a while back.

    Do you feel ready to? If yes then it’s ok – don’t worry about some random arbitrary time where it’s “respectful” or any BS like that.

  2. If you’re hoping for reconciliation – even a little – then you should wait.

  3. I’d wait til after you talk to her on Wednesday. I think that depending on how things go, you’d regret doing something more than not doing something

  4. Well you’re broken up you can do what you want, it’s not cheating, she said she lost feelings.

    Just be safe about it

  5. tbh that’s what i’ve done in the past and it definitely ends up feeling like a breathe of fresh for what i was missing while cuffed up…but those relationships were nothing serious and i wasn’t in love🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. My boyfriend (kinda back together now idek) broke up with me because of his mental health problems and apparently I was “too clingy” by asking him if he was okay.
    About 2 hours after he ended it, I started talking to other guys online (sexting n stuff)
    But honestly I felt awful about it and made me feel worse.

    If you still have feelings for her, give it some time before you engage in sex with others otherwise you might get upset about it and not enjoy the sex and get over her etc.
    I’d say maybe start seeing other girls before you have sex. It might help to get rid of the emotions towards your ex gf and you’ll start feeling better 🙂

  7. Honestly just do what works best for you. If you need it then go get it.

    In every one of my break ups, we’d continue sleeping together for months and sometimes years. Some people would think that’s crazy, but it works for me and apparently them. The break ups seem easier, like it’s a gradual let down instead of 1 big dump.

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