How many girls have had crushes on you in your teen years?

  1. 3 that I know of. One, we just never even became friends and forgot about each other. The other 2 I dated and both ended. One of them we stayed friends and one ended very toxic/

  2. That I knew of at the time? 4.

    That I knew of after the fact? Add another 3.

  3. Like so fucking many, I was way to self conscious and shy to even notice it though:(

  4. Zero.

    I was obese, bad skin, red hair, terrible fashion sense, poor social skills and had no money, and that’s just the stuff that was easily visible.

  5. 2 (at least I know of those two). I rejected one (she wasn’t really my type) and i was already in a relationship when I learned about the second one. I ended up dating here after a while and it was my best relationship so far

  6. There were a few, but I typically missed their cues unless they straight up told me.

  7. When I was 15 I would probably guess 1.
    Now that I’m adult and have met some of these girls later and heard that they had a crush on me, maybe 10? It’s crazy.

  8. One that I know of. Several from HS flirt on Facebook with me now that I’m somewhat successful. To bad for them that I’m married.

  9. I’ve heard rumors about 1 or 2, but nothing conclusive. My personal guess would be zero

  10. A lot but:
    -i didn’t get the signs cause I liked someone else
    -they weren’t my type (my cup of tea)

    So now I am 22 yo and still virgin lol

  11. 3 that I know of, I was really dumb as kid, some girls were obvious they were into me but I didn’t do anything about it and I was shy back in my high school days. The 1st one I found out she had a crush on me from chatting online with her after high school. The 2nd one actually approached me but I declined and instead we became good friends. The 3rd one I dated right after I graduated from high school and only lasted a year.

  12. There was one but the other girls made fun of her for having a crush on the “ugly guy” so she bullied me instead. Then she dated this weirdo burly jock guy and a whole bunch of crazy shit happened that I won’t post.

  13. I’m speaking on behalf of my s.o. We went to high school together and he didn’t think he had game with the ladies but I knew sooooo many girls that wanted in his pants except they thought he was impossible to talk to because he was shy and awkward. Now I’m in his pants sooooo I win 🤷🏻‍♀️

  14. That I know of? Let’s see … carry the two and that comes to exactly … ZERO. Twice that number in my early 20’s.

  15. I was fat and dumb. They looked at me with pity at best, disdain at worst. Now, I’m fit, competent, experienced, and they either look at me as human fork lift or a mark for tormenting and/or money. But at least they can’t call me fat or dumb.

  16. No idea, I had crushes on all of them though.

    The painful one I remember was I was talking to the the hot girl. Like, The Hot Girl. I asked her as we were walking out to the parking lot what her plans were after school. She got all smiley and tucked her hair behind her ear and said “I’m free all afternoon actually, what are your plans?”


    The look of disappointment on her face hurts almost as much in my memory as it did the next day, when I finally realized what she thought I was asking ☠️☠️☠️

  17. 2 for sure. Possibly a total of 4. I coulda been the savior to the fat, bullied, awkward kids everywhere and I fucked it up….twice at least.

    For quick context, I was overweight, home life sucked, and tended to be the target of teasing/bullying, including from girls. But I could talk to ppl and girls fine, make ppl laugh etc. Girls aren’t intimidating if you know you’ll never make a move and that they don’t like you anyways. I can go more indepth if ppl want.

    These all also happen after id had an embarrassing rejection from a girl id started trying to flirt with, which ended up with her mom laughing at me so things weren’t exactly great for me mental wise.

    The sure thing was sophmore year. We’d been into each other for more or less the whole year. I thought she was into my friend (I think she liked us both tbh), and just got along with me. There were so many greenljghts, the big one being she said “Kiss me” during class. My self confidence lacking brain shorted out, and I auto piloted to a “No” (This happened directly after above rejection incident). Coulda salvaged it, but was too disappointed in myself too.

    Junior year. Girl asked me out in front of a bunch of ppl. Brain shit the bed, auto piloted a no AGAIN. A shitty friend laughed. I was embarrassed by this. This one felt really out of the blue to me tbh.

    This ones a maybe. Junior year. Girl from friend group I never really talked much with. She was cute, really smart, especially compared to our band of fuckups. We had a class together, became a bit more friendly. School dance happens, i walk in, and she out of nowhere yells “Chenstrap!” and gives me a big jumping, both her feet off the ground hug. I was confused by this for several reasons, notably don’t think she ever hugged me before this and its not like we were super close friends, and she had a new boyfriend who she spent most the dance with. I’m not that guy, so I’ll see what happens when they breakup. This was 2007/2008, and they’ve been married like 10 years now rofl.

    The 2nd maybe, also junior year. Met this girl sophmore year, got her number, and we occasionally texted but never flirty, just legit kinda talked. She moves schools, but we keep texting thru summer. She’d invited me to the beach a few times, but I was working with my dad when she did. One day I get a text that says “Go fuck yourself and find another girl to talk too” and she blocked me. Still today dont know wtf happened. My hunch is she had a new boyfriend and it was him who sent it, but I guess its possible she was expecting me to make a move and I never did. Either way will never know.

    So there gentleman, bask in my failures.

  18. As far as I’m aware, the number was precisely zero.

    Edit. That might not be true. There was a 16YO that may have had one on me when I was 19.

  19. I’m not sure because I was hung up on the same girl from the ages of nine to about 26. I tried to get with other girls but they always thought I was hung up on her anyway I had this made my life awkward. I didn’t really figure out how to get laid reliably and to relate to women in a normal and healthy way until I was like 30 or 32, and then within just a couple short years I got two of them pregnant, got chlamydia twice, had my heart shattered and broken a bunch of times, and ended up with herpes. Now all I think about all day is curing herpes.

  20. I played in a local metal band as a young man of 15/16 years and got a lot of attention from the teenage girls. Thought I was a badass with all my “groupies”.

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