Someone I know was saying that as a women she never gets asked for her phone number, and as a result she feels unattractive – how often does this happen to you?

  1. I’m 33. Never once happened; Never had a man approach me in the first place.

    Is it nice to be able to go wherever I want, even alone, without having to worry about being smothered by unwanted attention? Absolutely. But it has absolutely killed my confidence and made me feel more unattractive than I already am, and I feel like people rarely even see me as a woman.

  2. I’m 36 and honestly wouldn’t have a clue how many times I’ve been asked for my number, it’s definitely been a considerable amount over the years.

  3. I’m 23. I don’t have a number but it’s enough that I don’t remember most of the interactions.

    Mostly people ask me out after they have seen me interact with others, so I think it’s more with me being approachable. Because once a friend told me I “looked like a serial killer on the hunt” while I was waiting alone.

  4. i’m 24. i remember like ten occurrences of being asked out irl and half of that were complete creeps at least double my age and/or married.

  5. 25(almost 26), hard to say exactly how many times, but it can happen from like once a month to 5-6 times a month.

  6. I’m 35 & married. Ironically I’ve been asked out by men since I started dating my husband but before I was just hit on. I dunno the numbers. I’d say it dropped after having my first kid at 32 though.

  7. I‘m 28. Hasn‘t happened too much with guys my age range. However I‘ve had a lot of older men tell me they wanted to set me up with their sons (no thanks).

  8. A handful of times, but none of those were by people I ended up dating. Usually random men and it’s very uncomfortable. With my relationships I’ve always been the one to make the first move. Sometimes you just have to go for it! I’m 30.

  9. Can’t remember the number because its quite high (wow I sound like a Chad). I’m 25

  10. 34 and I’ve been asked for my social media way more than my number. It’s usually random people at bars who don’t try to chat or anything and just approach me then immediately ask for info.

  11. 49 never. The only reason I am even married is because my husband and I were hanging out together alot. The classic date of “pick me up to go out” was more of “this movie is playing, let’s go see it”.

  12. Your question needs a big caveat.

    The first time I was asked for my number, I was about 12 and the person asking me was an adult. That does not count as as good thing. It did not mean I was attractive, it meant he was a pedophile. Rinse and repeat too many times.

    How many times have I been asked for my number, *in a welcome, socially acceptable way*? Around a half dozen or so. I also started getting asked for socials more often than phone number quite a few years ago.

  13. 30, phone numbers I typically get asked by at least one dude every time I go to a bar or nightclub setting. So throughout my life it’s been a lot. People asking to add me on socials is like, triple that. I’m super average looking and socially awkward so I have no idea why this happens to me but it becomes a nuisance when I’m in committed relationships

  14. I’ve no idea, hundreds maybe? I’m 50 and I lived in LA in my 20s so it wasn’t uncommon for it to happen multiple times on a night out. I’m about average looks, but it’s a numbers game and that’s just how it was at bars and clubs in the 90s (before social media was a thing).

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