It’s at the start of a relationship and only a few months in. I’m not naive enough to think I can magically fix someone. I sympathise with this girl a lot as we’ve both had life struggles and now binge drinks on weekends and occasionally takes drugs. She hates herself for doing it and I’ve lost my own mother the same way when I was 18.

However every Friday I text her to say she can hang out with me instead and we could go out or do something and she always ignores me or makes excuses and inevitably I don’t see her for the rest of the weekend as she has a massive hangover and feeling sorry for herself.

I’ve offered to make food for her everyday and eat with her as I live nearby and she eats really unhealthily and talks about being lonely and not knowing how to cook.

She says she has no friends and I try to introduce her to mine who are loving and supportive and share her interests but she chickens out.

It’s frustrating to me as I feel like she wants help but at the end of the day she has to seek help and people can’t do it for her. I try to talk to her and be a shoulder for her but then she’ll just not respond to texts for days she left on read.

She’s tried to tell me that I’m the best thing in her life and that she really likes me but… Maybe it sounds cold of me as I know what depression is like, I feel like you’d make more of an effort if you truly liked someone that much.

I just don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel after its been like this for multiple months. I’ll happily be her friend and try to be supportive but I just don’t think this person is ready to be in a relationship or we just aren’t compatible.

TLDR: I think I’m going to break up with girl who is depressed and doesn’t seem to want to fix herself even though she says she does.

1 comment
  1. Dating is an audition for the role as life partner.

    If a few months in they aren’t doing well at the audition, you find someone else for the role, you don’t change the role to suit the person auditioning for it.

    It takes a lot of wisdom and maturity to see when something should end and follow through, so good for you for doing that.

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