There’s no shortage of horror stories on Reddit of things that happen at bachelor parties, but not so many spectacular stories. I’m in the very early stages of planning one and want to shamelessly steal all your ideas to make ti the best bachelor party ever. Tell me what happened and why it was LEGEN-wait for it-DARY. LEGENDARY!

  1. Okay out of all tha places I went, Vegas and Prague was my two fav, out of events , shooting guns, bubble football and the beer bike was the most fun.

    Cheap location/an activity or two/alcohol….. you can’t go wrong

  2. Depending where you live — renting a giant house, making awesome food, drinking great booze, bonus for amenities such as pool, land (did some clay shooting on one), lake (if you have a “boat guy”), nearby field trips (e.g. brewery, distillery, etc).

  3. We went to on a hike in a state forest and ate by a campfire. Some guys smoked cigars while others fished.

    It was fun because it wasn’t stupid like going to a skanky titty bar and wasting money.

  4. I wasn’t able to attend due to training conference at our corporate offices in Tennessee, but a coworker had his in a brothel in Vegas. The attendees have told me it was legendary.

    It also came (no pun intended) with a legendary bill. But the participants left with smiles and grins

  5. I’ve never been invited to a bachelor party. Only one I went too was my own… *sigh*

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