So, my grandfather met someone, and it turns out their daughter in law works in actuarial science, which is what I’m going into, being a recent college grad i am of course really excited, being able to talk to someone with in the company boosts my chances of getting employed, and failing that i can learn a lot. The thing is I’m just really bad with social situations, especially around my family (for some reason meeting new people with them around makes me lock up more easily) and around women, so I’m very nervous. I can of course draft up questions and make sure I’m prepared, and it will be after a party my grandparents and they are going to, so it will be very informal. Still I feel like that makes it spookier, because I can sort of navigate more professional meetings better than informal ones like this. Any tips to deal with this? Its actuarial science, so introversion is more or less the norm, but still I’m very nervous as I’m not very socially fluid.

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