I made plans with my friend yesterday that we would meet at 5 pm for a hangout but I fell asleep and couldn’t wake up due to exhaustion of spending the earlier time with my mom’s errands.

I was stupid enough to underestimate myself that I have enough energy to hangout with him. I thought everything will go okay. My stupid ass fell asleep and the poor guy waited half an hour for my stupid ass.

I did everything i could to convey how deeply regretful i was but he’s not replying my dms. Should I give him space?

**Edit**- my friend got accidentally stood up twice by me. One time was two years ago and the second time was today.

Update – We are good now .. everyone thanks

  1. Is this the first time this happened? If so, give it a few days. Express you’re sorry and how you will TELL HIM if you’re tired BEFORE plans the next time. Compensate for potential costs.

    Is it not the first time? Grow the fuck up.

  2. Seems like an honest mistake. I’d just apologise and say something like “Let’s reschedule for x day, I’ll buy you a drink to make up for it” or something and let them get back to me

  3. Oof. Getting stood up is rough to recover from.

    The best you can do is explain what happened and apologize.

    He may forgive and forget. He may be done.

    > It happened two times actually

    Oh, yea..if he’s anything like me, you guys are done. I just don’t have space in my life for unreliable people.

    Someone stood me up twice about…15 years ago? I explained how hurtful that was and eventually blocked her.

    About four years ago, she tried to add me on Facebook. I was *repulsed*. Immediate block.

    Do better going forward.

  4. Step one is getting over the self loathing. That shit helps nothing

    Just be better going forward. Show your sorry by not doing it again

  5. If this happened to my friend who was exhausted and the guy apologized, I’d tell him, “no sweat man, don’t worry about it.” From the title I thought you did something unforgivable – this isn’t that big of a deal to me.

  6. Drop by in person and reschedule if you’re in earnest about making amends. Actions speak louder than words. Take the extra step towards redeeming your relationship and most likely it will be appreciated. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s how we deal with them that makes a difference to others. Be vulnerable and put yourself out there.

  7. He sounds like a drama queen.


    He’ll come around. If he don’t, no big loss. Stop worrying. You apologized for your mistake. Ball is in his court now.

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