I just found out that my girlfriend (19F) used to flirt with her guy bestfriend before we started dating almost a year ago, they don’t do it anymore but some comments he still makes to her are questionable. They’re very close and hang out almost daily with her brother and text daily when i’m not around. I’m thinking of giving her an ultimatum as I have talked to her about him multiple times. He is a very sexual person and makes a lot of remarks about my girlfriends boobs.

1 comment
  1. If she’s not the one acting inappropriate, but you’re giving her the ultimatum – then you’ll probably end up looking like the bad guy.

    Focus on the right person here; take the friend aside – *”Look man, I don’t mind that you guys are friends and I’m not here trying to step on anyones toes – but it’s pretty disrepectful to talk about my girlfriends tits. Can you cut that out?”*

    If he does – then issue resolved.
    You either need to trust your girlfriend or don’t. Squashing friendships isnt the way to go about resolving things.

    If he doesn’t – then he doesn’t respect your relationship with your girlfriend – and thats the stage where you need to talk to your gf about it.

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