He’s been flirting with me for the past 3 months and I’m getting mad at myself because I just can’t show interest back. He’s slowly giving up on me. I was having a bad day and I showed rejection through my actions, and then he started ignoring me for a week. I really really really want him. He’s so kind and funny and everything is just my fault. How the heck do you flirt back?????? I have no flirting bone in my body. I have such bad commitment issues.

  1. This is how a lot of harassment cases happen. I’m your boss – if you don’t go out with me, I might demote you or not promote you or give you had assignments. Or you might get privileges if you are dating the boss. Your company may have harassment policies or rules about employees dating.

  2. Do it then apply for a promotion. When denied the promotion, file sexual misconduct lawsuit and retire young.

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