I cheated on my boyfriend 2 months into the relationship with my ex. He found out 6 months into the relationship, I then became mentally ill had to go in psych ward, so he put the cheating aside and stayed . A year later , he says I have not done enough for him to consider marriage with me and I have to convince him I’m ready for marriage . A part of me feels I should just give up the relationship and take it as lesson and start over with someone new . At the same time I love him and can’t imagine not having him in my life . So should I stay or should I go ?

TLDR; should I make it work with my boyfriend or leave

  1. If you cheated, you need to work on yourself before you enter another relationship. Do your boyfriend a favor and leave. Do yourself a favor and seek out resources to help you cope with whatever issues cause you to cheat/enter a psych ward. A relationship isn’t meant to be your happiness or save you. Trying to make it that way harms others.

  2. Just end it. Stay single for a while, work on yourself and don’t get into a relationship until you feel ready.

    How long have you been together?

  3. You made a choice to cheat and now you don’t want to work and prove to your boyfriend’s that you are trust worthy enough to take a big step .

  4. You should quit. I think.

    The first reason is that you can start from scratch with a clean slate with the other person. But this time with a luggage of experience you carry with from the last experience. By the way, possibly avoid to make the same error.

    The second reason is to help your current boyfriend to be free of you. He apparently has no gut to do it by himself and self destroys day after day in contact with you. The images of another man in his girlfriend did not give him peace even after a long time. By removing yourself from his sight you slowly remove yourself from his thoughts and help him heal. It may take him some time but eventually he will make it.

    Good luck girl!

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