I work with this girl who I find to be really great and want to hang out with her more and ask her out. We will sometimes talk, just small talk honestly but this past week, we were working close to each other and were constantly talking, making each other laugh and just having a good time. Later into the day, she asks me what I did during the weekend, I told her and she says that she was going through something emotionally. She said her boyfriend (first time I learned she has one) was supposed to eat with her and her family but he wouldn’t answer her messages. It turned out that the boyfriends sister got a flat tire so her had to go help her and that he left his phone at home. But after he helped, the boyfriend went to go hang out with his sister, friend, and his ex (the boyfriends ex). I forgot how that came to be, the story was hard to follow and as soon as she said that her boyfriend saw his ex I was like, wow why would he do that. Anyway, the boyfriend explained himself to her and she says she wasn’t mad and I asked if she believed him and she was kinda hesitant but she said yes. We then just continued talking but I had such a good time with her that I want to ask her out, but don’t know if I should after what she told me. Any advice?

  1. I would “ignore” it and continue being friends with her. It sounds like she likes you more as a person and is willing to give more information out about herself. Just be a good person, and maybe the opportunity will come that she may be single

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