If you have ever had a child, what were some of your most unique pregnancy craving food combinations?

  1. Not combinations so much. The first time was onion rings and the second one was chocolate.

  2. Watermelon or tomatoes was pretty all I could eat for three months. Everything else made me vomit.

  3. Because you hear more about the “weird” cravings, sometimes the more “normal” foods that are craved sound like the “weird” ones. A friend of mine told me that his girlfriend craved spinach salad with oranges throughout her pregnancy. Another friend, it was bananas and peanut butter, and my sister was scrambled eggs with bbq sauce (which is more on the unique side, I think).

  4. Never had any crazy cravings but I do remember all I wanted with my third child. All I wanted to eat was tomatoes. I had them with every meal. My sandwiches had to have layers and layers of them.

  5. I didn’t have any weird cravings, only lychees and orange iced lollies.

    I found out recently though that lychees weren’t in season when I was craving them so my partner who would always bring me a bowl in the evening was getting canned ones, washing the syrup off and then putting them in the fridge so they seemed fresh lol

  6. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with hashbrowns on the side, but only because in that moment, I couldn’t decide which one I wanted more.

    Cream of Mushroom soup. With my middle daughter, I drank GALLONS of the stuff.

    Oldest daughter, Arby’s sauce, nachos and lemonade. Not all at once, but I found that one pretty interesting.

    Youngest son, he REFUSED to allow me to drink soda unless I was eating a meal, but the second I was done with the meal, I was done with the soda. Just didn’t want it. Thank god, he broke me of a really bad habit.

  7. Pregnant in summer. All the cold watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe and tomatoes. I ate so much of that I got threatened by the doctor because I was losing not gaining.

  8. Chick fil a sunjoy ice tea, ham n cheese sandwiches with doritos crammed inside, strawberry flavor anything, and the most chocolatey, rich, fudgy, chunky brownies you could possibly imagine.

    Starbucks pumpkin bread.

    That’s it so far lol.

  9. With both my boys I wanted either the original Oreos with water… and or I needed the vanilla Oreos with water. Never with milk. I couldn’t even stand the smell of milk

  10. i remember my mom really loved eating sardines and cream cheese when she was pregnant with my sister lol

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