Ladies with long relationships, what little secrets do you have to keep from your SO to avoid a crisis?

  1. I feel really attracted to tall guys. My husband is 5’6. I love him and tell him I don’t care because I know he’s insecure about it.

  2. I don’t. I never have. True, my current relationship is just under a year old, but even in my last relationship of 8 years, I have never kept anything from my SO. That is just asking for trouble. Because chances are, they won’t care but the fact you kept it from them will become a HUGE issue.

  3. I don’t like his new hairstyle, he’s grown it out a little bit in recent months and he’s very pleased with it so I don’t say anything

  4. None. If something bothers me enough to potentially cause a crisis he’ll notice anyway. And if it’s that big a thing I’d rather discuss it and work it out.

  5. When I’m not exactly excited about a gift they get me. For some annoying reason, I’ve been in 2 relationships where they gifted me onesies and hoodies. I hate both.

  6. There are some things, personally. He wouldn’t understand that it doesn’t affect how much I love him

  7. All the flirting and comments from guys that I don’t share with him. It would just get him upset and it’s after the fact.

    Current SO is the semi-jealous type. Previous SO didn’t care and liked hearing about those stories and would just laugh it off.

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