context. im 17m live with my mom got asbergers ocd and depressive symptoms. im finding life very difficult and i always have i even dropped out of school.

my dad is crazy. he believes everything from ancient aliens to chem trails. now he keeps talking about vaccines and he wont shut up. he thinks im autistic because of vaccines or he thinks its fake. i dont know he cant make up his mind. he keeps asking me to talk to him but he just downplays my problems or dosent get it. even non mental health stuff i has asthma and he just told me. “just run more and you wont have it” im so tiered of him. for now im not going to him. a while back i wasent feeling well and his friend was drunk and was harassing me and when i got mad at him my dad was defending him. the next day he wouldent leave me alone about it. i was trying to listen to music and he was constantly looking into my phone asking what im listening to.

ive made the decision to not talk to him. for now. now the question is should i just stop talking to him period?

  1. Leave. Asap. Your dad was making excuses for his adult friend who was harassing you. If you don’t leave soon something worse will happen.

    Find work if you can. I know it’s hard but you’ll be shocked how many mental health things clear up/are easier to work on when the causes are removed from your life.

  2. I’d stop talking to him and make it clear that will continue unless he gets help.

  3. You don’t have to decide about the “stop talking to him period.” Not talking to him now is fine, and the length of time can be “to be determined.”

    One thing that might not have occurred to you: Aspergers/Autism is partially genetic. Oh that and your OCD and depression. So it may be that your dad is a flawed human being, no reason to be mad at him, although it’s a separate question if you want anything to do with him.

    Really you have to do what is right for you.

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