She never stopped treating me any differently from how she treated me when I was a child. It didn’t matter how old I got she just never stopped no matter what. Also me saying no and asking or telling her to stop doing something means nothing to her and she never stops. I always wanted to get away from her but after I graduated high school I just wasn’t able to. I tried applying for a bunch or jobs but they would never hire me or call me back and if they did would never take me seriously or actually pay me the same amount as everyone else or even a liveable wage at all. And it was all because they would see me as and only treat me as a stupid child or ‘stupid little girl’ I was a full grown adult mind you. So because they saw me like that they wouldn’t let me work more than one day a week and they said I was slow and dumb even though I tried to work really hard and I was always doing something and never just standing around they still said that. And it didn’t matter how many times I asked the manager to give me more hours because I needed more money than one day a weeks worth, she would just continuously ignore me no matter what I said or did. So because of that I was working there and wasn’t even making any money that I could have saved up to move out. My mom wouldn’t let me quit and get a job somewhere else.
I don’t know why my mom does this but it definitely has an effect on how I act now as an adult but she thinks it’s not at all her fault. She just says my whole life she never stopped treating me like a child because I never stopped acting like one, even though I would never act like one unless she treated me like a child.

1 comment
  1. That last line. Act as adult even if she treats you like a child. If you’re waiting for her to change, or to give you permission to be an adult, that’ll never happen.

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