So I texted a girl I was friends with in High School out of the blue and she left me on delivered. We’re both 22.Here’s how it went.
4:40 Pm

Me: Hey Stranger 🙂


Her : OP!! Hey how have you been 🙂


Me: I’ve been good
I was just thinking about you, how are you?

No Response. Basically we have great chemistry but it never went anywhere with us due to bad timing and then going to different states so I know if i can just get her to go on one date i’m solid. But now idk if the “I was thinking about you” was coming on too strong and if not I’m thinking about texting her tomorrow and just being more direct, maybe something along the line of “Hey you seem busy, would you like if i took you out for lunch sometime instead?” or something like that

  1. I’d say leave it a week or two, if she doesn’t reply maybe drop something casual like ‘sorry if that came off a bit much, hope you’re doing okay, drop me a message if you wanna hang out again’.

    If she doesn’t reply to that one, just leave it and move on

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