I’ve been on 5 dates with this guy M29 (1 date a week) and on our last date he mentioned that he wants to make friends – someone to have a beer with, someone to go to games with, stuff along those lines. He recently lost a bunch of his friends due to some issues they had, moved, and all his friends now live like an hour away, a lot of them are also married, so that probably adds to their inability to hang out often.

This got me thinking that the guy doesn’t really have much of a social life aside from talking to me – he works from home, the last time I remember him telling me about him hanging out with friends was like a month ago. He is not from the state we are in so he doesn’t really have any family here either.

His birthday is coming up in a month and he told me in the past that he is going to a game with some friends but now he all of a sudden asked me to join him on a road trip he wants to take on his birthday. When I asked him about his plans to go to the game he said that he’s still considering it but he’d be going alone if he went, which I don’t blame him for, tickets and the trip to the place cost money.

I feel like maybe in the beginning he was trying to seem outgoing and like he has a crazy fun social life (because I go out with my friends often) but now he is opening up about the truth to me.

Overall though I haven’t noticed any red flags with him. He asks me out on thoughtful dates, texts me every day, is pretty affectionate, compliments me all the time and we have great conversations. But I’m still not sure if he sees me as temporary company or wants anything serious with me.

How do I figure out if he genuinely sees any potential with us or he just likes to have me there to hang out/have sex with?

  1. He’s interested in you, consistently. He lost his friends and is seeking friends. Being friends with someone you like is great. Nothing expressed indicates you are a temporary part of his life. From what you expressed, he seems like a good guy to develop a relationship with. Good luck

  2. This sounds like a pretty good situation! Being friends with a guy first would be ideal! However, it might be a huge red flag if he has no other social life besides you. That could end up putting a lot of pressure on you to always spend time with him (unless that’s something you’d want).

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