Hey, sorry. I made this account specifically to ask this question. I’ve never been a reddit user before or been really big on any social media so I apologize if this us disjointed and or confusing at times.

I’m 26 years old. I got divorced this year from my wife of 7 almost 8 years. I have 2 kids. She cheated on me 3 times and I forgave her and stayed with her despite what now is obvious was her trying to leave the relationship. Well long story short, nasty divorce. I went from owning property, cars, and having a good savings account to living in a small apartment. Lost my new 2019 car and now drive one I’m barely holding together from 1996. I’m living paycheck to paycheck thanks to attornies fees, bills, and child support.

I’ve started trying to date again. I’ve been trying my luck on apps, in person, and by friend and family reccomendation. All end the same way.. I get dropped. I’m never exactly told way. All I can think of is that people are intimidated by the fact I’m divorced and have 2 kids because let’s face it, it would be a daunting task at best to step in and help care for 2 kids that aren’t your own. So I get it.

In talking to a buddy he suggested that it’s possibly because I need to better myself. So for months I went with him and developed some good habits. I go to the gym 3 times a week for an hour after work. I eat a much more balanced diet to the point where my doctor is actually happy with me. I don’t drink or stay up late. I go to work regularly and make enough money to get by. So does that mean that there’s really something so wrong with me that makes people either ghost me online or flat out refuse to allow me to take them on a date? I’m not asking for sex or commitment right off the batt. I’m just asking to take someone to dinner and talk for a bit.

So I guess I’m just here asking, is there even really any point in trying to date if you’re a straight white conservative male in 2022?

Tldr: divorced straight conservative white guy has 0 luck finding anyone to date and not for lack of trying. Simply asking if there’s even any point in 2022.

  1. Dude, you married too young and already have 2 kids, take a break and focus on yourself. You don’t need to be dating someone to be able to survive. Find other things you like to do, find new friends, one time or another you will find another girl

  2. Dating as a single parent is tough all around, but I imagine especially in your mid 20s with small children when a lot of single people your age don’t have kids and aren’t thinking about them for many more years. Your dating pool is smaller than the average person your age but it is by no means not there. I am not a conservative single parent but due to some other aspects of my life my dating pool is also a little smaller than average, but Hinge worked for me in the past. Maybe Facebook has conservative single parent pages too.

  3. > is there even really any point in trying to date if you’re a straight white conservative male in 2022?

    I bet your dating life might improve if you take that giant chip off your shoulder.

    _of course_ you can date. But you have to be strategic about it. You’re certainly a little behind the eight-ball here; you’re a recently-divorced father of two, in a dating market where most people your age are just starting to think about finding a long-term partner to build their _own_ family with. Your divorce is also recent enough that you’re clearly still recovering from it.

    If you’re really serious about dating, choose your venue wisely (maybe don’t sit around swiping on tinder!), and lead with your situation. Your dating pool is certainly smaller than other people’s, but you’re not alone (and it’s not like 26-year-old men who aren’t divorced with two kids have an _easy_ time of it).

  4. You just ended a super serious relation , and by sound of it , it was mentally abusive one and took a great toll on you . Don’t jump into dating game yet . Work on yourself , start therapy work through your trauma . Start putting efforts into self-love and self-care . The right person who loves , respects and care about you will find you .

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