Ex. Asking the universe to send you sightings of an animal if you’re on the right track.

  1. I had been thinking about leaving my ex. I’d left many times but I always went back 🤷🏻‍♀️.

    The last time I decided to leave, I remember telling my mom. She’s pretty removed and not typically motherly. She was like, oh ok. It doesn’t seem like you guys have much in common anyways. Mind you, I was with this guy for 11 years.

    It was an expected response and we just fell back into silence. Then maybe five minutes later she turns to me and says, you know he’s going to say he will change but he won’t.

    This woman has never guided me or have me advice in my relationship. So for her to say something, I knew it was time and that it was for good this time around. That was three years ago. Life has been amazing since.

  2. I just failed a business marketing exam and I was on my way to work. I asked the universe for a sign what I should be doing with my life because this wasn’t it. I saw an ad of an ultrasound on the bus and said eh not for me. A year later I was in school for ultrasound.. now here I am loving my career.

  3. I didn’t ask for a sign but sometimes I think my second dog is the universe’s way of showing me I shouldn’t have children. Behavioural issues and generally a lot more work than my first dog, all still a tiny fraction of the challenges of a human toddler.

  4. Last year I was in a really bad place, mentally and physically. Panic attacks, ibs, barely eating barely sleeping. And I remember crying and saying outloud “please I’m just asking for two things a good night sleep and a sign that everything is going to be okay eventually, that I’m getting out alive” . It hadn’t rained all year and that night it did, it poured. In some way I felt like everything washing away and the sound of rain relaxed me alot, I slept like I haven’t in months. It was a big coincidence but I started feeling better after that night little by little. Still working on my menthal health but everything is definitely better

  5. I don’t ask for signs, they seem to occur on their own. However I think I might start

  6. I didn’t ask for any signs because I generally don’t believe in that’s stuff, but BOY did I receive some lately! Sit down, everyone. It’s story time.

    First, when I was driving up to visit a dog breeder on Saturday, I passed through the town where I adopted my late dog from. I didn’t really remember where the town was, so it was surprising to see the name, but I pretty much wrote it off.

    I go and meet the puppies and breeder. It’s a great time, and I stayed for about 5 hours. During the visit, we had to pick up one of the puppies from the vet because he was throwing up (he’s fine though!). His name is LUCCA. I was holding him in a box of blankets in the car, but he started struggling so I picked him up a bit. Then he stared into my eyes and started licking my nose, and he snuggled with me the rest of the way home (except when we picked up pizza. He screamed his lil head off when he smelled it. 😂).

    Rest of the visit is great, I bond with a couple other puppies, but my heart is still set on Lucca. The breeder, Julie, says she sends puppies home at around 10 weeks old.

    Once I got back to my hotel, I looked at the dates to see when the puppies would turn 10 weeks. It’s MAY 12TH, which is the same date my late dog was put to sleep THREE years ago. Suuuuper spooky!! But it doesn’t end there.

    I told my mom about this, and she had her own interesting story. My aunt told her that my cousin has also just had an interesting week where he bought a car, applied for a new apartment, and got his marriage license. So, when my mom heard this from my aunt, she said “good things happen in threes!”. Later that day, she was watching Jeopardy, and someone also said “good things happen in threes!”. This was all before I told her about the three year thing with the puppies.

    That night, I kid you not, I woke up at 3 am for no reason.

    The next day (yesterday), I was thinking about the date May 12th some more. Then I remembered, that’s also my friend’s birthday!! AND GUESS WHAT. She has a dog. Named LUCCA.

    The last thing is totally unrelated to any of that, but is super bizarre on its own. So the name I’ve had in my head/heart for a long time for my future puppy is a character from a children’s book series. WELL. I just happened to look something up about the series, and noticed the name of the author is JULIE. The same name as the breeder!!! And Julie the breeder also teaches writing for a living!

    I swear to all that I do believe in, this is all true. It’s so unbelievable.

  7. I firmly believe the universe sent me a sign the night before my wedding day telling me to not get married… but I ignored it and got married anyways.


    I had two miscarriages, relatively far along, one at 12 weeks and then one at 16 weeks. The last one we found out the baby had died around week 8, and I had been carrying a dead fetus for the past two months, talking to it, dreaming about it. It was just life-shatteringly sad.

    I got pregnant again and started having some spotting. I had zero hope. I went to my ultrasound and sat in the car, and even though I don’t believe in God I told him that if he let this baby live, that would be my sign to keep trying, that I was a good mom to the kiddo I had, that I should hold on when I felt like I couldn’t hold on any more.

    That day I saw a heartbeat on the ultrasound.

    My miracle kiddo is 11 now. She’s amazing. I’m still not religious, but I took my sign. I never gave up, even when it was really, really hard.

  9. Some years ago now I was going through a rough time with anxiety and insomnia. At one point, I was doubled over crying in my bathroom and asked God if I was crazy (not correct language, but exact). A couple of months later I went to a massage therapist recommended by a friend. Part way through the massage she said, “God wants me to tell you that you’re not crazy”. I hadn’t ever even spoken those words or alluded to that doubt aloud with anyone.

  10. I’m going through some marital problems right now that have been really challenging. When walking to my car one morning I was really upset thinking about it. I asked to see one of the bunnies that live in our area as a sign that everything was going to be ok. Right before I got to my car I spotted a bunny behind the car next to mine.

    I’ve learned to look for signs and I see them all the time. They are everywhere, you just have to be paying attention.

  11. My mom died on Sept 4 last year (cancer sucks). I’m pregnant and my baby is due sept 4. I have no idea what it means yet.

    E: I answered the question wrong, I still think it means something even if I didn’t ask though.

  12. I was having panic attacks and intense episodes of anxiety from a break-up and emotional family turmoil. In little over two months I had lost almost 15lbs and was not eating more than a piece of fruit a day. My boyfriend gave me his rosary that he used to pray daily to ask for work after being unemployed for over two years. He finally received work after praying with it. I did the same and cried and asked God if I was worthy of love, I asked for the pain in me to stop, I ask for wisdom because I was so confused.

    I didn’t ask so much for a sign, but the rosary in my hand was a sign to me to get back on track on my own healing through God and psychotherapy. And the day I had the rosary in my hand while I was sobbing and praying on my knees, my anxiety stopped suddenly and has not come back. I believe there is something curative in God’s unconditional love. And I thank my boyfriend for always being there for me. I am one lucky lady.

  13. my mom passed away when i was really young, third grade , my dad got really abusive after, like he snapped and blamed us kids for it. i remember riding the bus home one day dreading what might be waiting for me and asking her to talk to me and tell me stuff would be ok something like that. Anyways a few minutes later i look down to my feet and theres a little piece of paper crumbled up. I opened it and it simply said ‘i love you’ if im remembering right the handwriting was nice, didn’t look like it came from some random kid on the bus

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